Do you want your opening hours changing ?
Are you currently making changes to the times and days you are available for your customers? If so, there are a few measures as a business owner you can take on your Google My Business Listing if your business is closing, still operating as normal or reducing your opening hours.
The first thing you can add to your listing is a push to post or article to inform your customers about the closure or change in hours to your business. This can also be used to keep your customers informed and up to date of the on goings in your business by doing so it is a great way of keeping your customers in the loop and an alternative way to reach out to them.
Another way is a feature known as special hours. The special hours will change on specific dates/days you require and then will revert back to normal the next week, for example if you want to change next week’s hours to 8am – 2pm on Friday then it will appear in the opening hours for that week and the following week would go back to your normal working hours.
If you require either of these to be carried out for your business listing please get in touch with us on the number or email below.
Tel: 08448261152
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